About Us


Quality & Environment Policy

AlRedwan Company including engineers- contractors- real-estate developers, work for the present and views the future

In order to achieve that, the company administration determined its targets and policies to assure the quality of its projects (including design, construction and maintenance); which conforms to the laws, regulations and environmental requirements, and achieves the international standards

The quality and environment policy aims at obtaining quality from the first time and each time, along with granting the sufficient trust to our clients that our projects will achieve the desired requirements for quality, in addition to preserving the environment and preventing pollution.

The company administration adopts the policy of prevention and precaution - to assure the quality of products, reduce wastes, and rationalize consumption, using an integrated system to administer the environment and quality in a manner that achieves the international standard specifications, ISO 14001/2004, ISO 9001/2000 and ISO 18001

Furthermore, it uses long and short term development plans for the purpose of continuous improvement, increasing performance improvement rates, and preserving environment and quality.

We greatly trust the capabilities of our personnel who put with us the policy of quality and environment; who were trained and qualified to achieve the company targets in order to reach internationality.

Board Chairman

Abdullah Bakr Redwan